Marlie Wood Marlie Wood

Blog 1. Architects, Designers & Great ideas when building.

It all begins with an idea.

Welcome to the very first of many blogs that we will be contributing to our website. I like to think of them more as ‘info bites’ as the idea of building is overwhelming enough without being bombarded with huge amounts of information… especially when you just want to know a little bit more about building and renovating. So here we go.

There is often confusion about the difference between using an Architect and using a Building Designer. While both are extremely valuable and knowledgeable when it comes to designing your house, there are clear differences between the two. Initially an obvious difference will be the price. The financial costs of an Architect will be higher as they add incredibly more time and detail to your project and will be involved from the beginning until the end. They will facilitate all communications with the builder and make many valuable suggestions and decisions for you. They will save you a lot of time and make the process very streamlined for you and the builder.

A building designer is equally as valuable to the client who may not have the budget for an Architect, however we need to remember that the designer will draw what you ask them to, and while they may suggest ideas and better ways of doing things, we cannot blame them if there are aspects of your house that don’t turn out as you expect. There is a lot more onus on the client to know what they want and understand what has been drawn on the plans. There will also be substantially more time spent by the builder if you would like chnages made after the plans are stamped and building has began. We are always happy to work through changes, however the sdvice here is that the build will be cheaper and quicker if there are less changes. Working closly with the Building Designer and putting the time into the design process is the best way to go. There are many fantastic building Designers to choose from on the Mornington Peninsula.

As a builder we will always work with either Architect or Building Designer drawn plans. As a business with staff on site and in the office, we find it easy to liaise with other professionals in the industry to work towards a common goal with our client.

Something I love to do is keep track of ideas I come across that really impress me and suggest them to our clients in case they would like to implement any of them in their build. Often, they are just small changes, but they could make a big difference to the functionality of the home. Here are some examples….

·         Ducted Vacuum corner outlet. (Sweep your floor straight into a vacuum duct in the corner).

·         Tile instead of skirting in wet areas. (Easier to mop, just adding 100-200mm of tile where you would usually put skirting).

·         Drying cupboard in Laundry. (A tall cupboard with a heating duct).

·         Low E coating on glass on West windows only. (Keeps heat out in summer).

·         Interconnected smoke alarms linked to an app.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for the next info bite!

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